Bishop John Jewel: An Anglican Theology of the Material Church

"The material church or temple is a place appointed, as well by the usage and continual examples expressed in the Old Testament as in the New, for the people of God to resort together unto, there to hear God’s holy word, to call upon his holy Name, to give him thanks for his innumerable and unspeakable benefits bestowed upon us, and duly and truly to celebrate his holy Sacraments; in the unfeigned doing and accomplishing of the which standeth that true and right worshipping of God aforementioned (John 4:23-24). And the same church or temple is by the Scriptures, both of the Old Testament and the New, called the house and temple of the Lord, for the peculiar service there done to his Majesty by his people, and for the effectuous presence of his heavenly grace, wherewith he, by his said holy word, endueth his people so there assembled."

Taken from The Book of Homilies II: Of the Right Use of the Church or the Temple of God and of the Reverence Due unto the Same

(Image taken from the 1714 printing of The Church of England Man's Companion)
